The effect and pitfalls of working from home

Working from home is becoming increasingly popular. About 57% of employees in Belgium regularly work from home, usually one or more days a week. No fewer than 92% of these remote workers indicate that working from home boosts their productivity and concentration, and that their work-life balance also benefits. It offers employees more autonomy, which makes them feel relaxed and reduces absenteeism.

Yet there are health pitfalls when working from home. Many employees work at the kitchen table or on the couch, furniture that is not ergonomically suitable for office work. This can lead to physical complaints such as RSI problems, back and neck problems.

A home workplace must actually comply with the legislation for computer work. A height-adjustable office chair with an adjustable backrest is essential. So a kitchen chair is not sufficient. If you don't know which office chair suits you, you can use our selection aid. An observation and risk analysis of the workplace by an internal or external prevention service can determine which specific requirements the workplace must meet.

Just as in the office, the employer must also provide appropriate equipment and support at home, such as a computer, office chair, internet, etc. If the employee provides these facilities himself, he may be entitled to an expense reimbursement.

In short, a home workplace must have the same requirements and facilities as an office workplace. It is important to take the health of home workers seriously and ensure that they can work in an ergonomically sound environment.
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